Rising home expenses make watching your spending vital. One area of expenditure you can control is your electrical use. Tame your monthly electric bill with this guide to the appliances and systems that cost the...
Rising home expenses make watching your spending vital. One area of expenditure you can control is your electrical use. Tame your monthly electric bill with this guide to the appliances and systems that cost the...
Solar energy offers you the chance to save money on your electric bill and be less dependent on “the grid.” But solar power scammers take advantage of consumers with schemes to take their money for...
If you live in a home built before 1980, you may be able to slash your energy costs by increasing your home’s insulation. Here’s what you need to know. How to know if you have...
Energy efficient landscaping can play a vital role in both saving energy and slashing the price you pay for it. Planting the right plants in the right places can save up to 25 percent of...
LED lights have revolutionized lighting, replacing old incandescent and fluorescent bulbs and saving energy. Understanding the various LED light colors, however, can be confusing. Let’s illuminate the differences. LED savings Lighting is measured by two...
A home energy audit can help you save money while you help save the planet. But how do you find a certified home energy professional, and what do they do? What is a home energy...
Technology has accelerated the ability to have a super energy-efficient home. Here are seven must-have ways to slash your usage and cost. Cool roofing. The roof takes the brunt of the sun’s energy and absorbs...