These days houses are attracting so many competing offers and selling so fast that many buyers become frustrated and fear they’ll never win a home that fits their needs. On top of that, sellers are...
These days houses are attracting so many competing offers and selling so fast that many buyers become frustrated and fear they’ll never win a home that fits their needs. On top of that, sellers are...
The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought periodic business shutdowns across the country and a huge spike in unemployment. The conventional wisdom is that the resulting recession should crater the housing market. Yet housing sales have...
In recent years it’s grown increasingly popular to put up a “coming soon” sign before a home officially hits the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). As a buyer, can you benefit from a “coming soon” home?...
Shopping for a home can be nerve-racking in the best of times. But as coronavirus cases skyrocket across the country, the thought of possibly being infected while visiting houses may have you more than a...
For homeowners wanting little or no yard to maintain, a zero-lot-line home may be the answer. What is a zero lot line home, and is it right for you? Definition of zero-lot-line home A traditional...
These days about 90 percent of home shoppers first view prospective houses online. Your agent may still do her own search and make recommendations, but gone are the days when agents had an almost exclusive...
Your real estate professional is not just a guide but your best asset when searching for potential homes. They are equipped with the knowledge and experience to navigate the complex world of real estate. However,...
The hunt for a new home most often begins with the answer to one simple question. Do I want to purchase an existing home or new construction? Retro and quirky versus a blank slate? Consider...
Most roads are public thoroughfares, maintained by local, state or federal authorities and paid for with tax dollars. But that’s not always the case, which is why it’s smart for potential home buyers to ask...
When buying a house, how much importance should you put on size when it comes to hosting out-of-town family and friends? Here are some things to think about before investing in extra guest rooms and...