Tree stumps are an unsightly tripping hazard in your yard. How do you remove them? It’s not as hard as you may think. Here’s how to remove tree stumps. Step one: cut the stump down...

Tree stumps are an unsightly tripping hazard in your yard. How do you remove them? It’s not as hard as you may think. Here’s how to remove tree stumps. Step one: cut the stump down...
Designing a home landscape yourself may seem overwhelming. How do you even know where to start? But working step by step, you can handle the job. Here’s how to develop and implement a charming DIY...
Gardening with kids can produce a bumper crop of benefits. You’ll get vegetables or flowers, while your child will learn a bushel of life lessons. Here’s how children can benefit from gardening and how you...
Flowers such as gardenias or azaleas typically grow from the ground or on bushes. Take flowers to the next level with vines that spread the beauty of blossoms to eye level and above on a...
Overseeding can reinvigorate lawns where the grass has developed thin patches. In some parts of the country, homeowners can also overseed their yards with winter rye grass for a lush green lawn through the winter...
Owls are amazing birds. They make good neighbors, eating mice and rats around your property. If you want to attract owls, you can build an owl house for the birds to nest in. Owls provide...
Homeowners’ encounters with black bears are increasing in America, partly because neighborhoods are expanding into bears’ natural habitats. These encounters can be terrifying and sometimes lead to people foolishly approaching bears. How can you keep...
Heavy rainfall runoff can be detrimental to your home, your landscape, and the environment. A creative solution to that gully washer is to channel the water into a colorful rain garden. Here’s how to do...
Lawn mowing can be a tedious and tiring chore. What if there were a way to turn that drudgery into something more like fun? Introducing the zero-turn lawnmower. Best used for large properties, zero-turn lawnmowers...
Pumpkins can add a warm and homey touch to your decor throughout the fall, not just at Halloween. Consider these creative ideas for decorating with pumpkins. All kinds of pumpkins Today’s pumpkins come in a...