Whether you’re moving across the country or across the neighborhood, the process can be stressful. Make things easier on yourself by employing these tips.
- Organization is key. Create a moving kit containing everything needed to make your move easier. Markers for labeling boxes, packing tape, moving-related paperwork, water bottles, snacks, cleaning supplies and a first aid kit are all great items to have on hand for moving day. Keep everything together in a safe place, such as a closet. Clearly label it off-limits so movers know the items are not to be loaded on the truck. Key moving-related documents should also be copied and stored on a family computer for easy access and safe keeping. Finally, create a to-do list for each day leading up to the big day.
- Make sure your mail will be waiting for you at your new home. The United States Postal Service recommends filing a change of address notice two weeks before moving. Notification is free if done in person at your local post office or $1 if submitted online. The post office will forward first-class mail for one year, and magazines for up to 60 days. Notify bank and credit card companies separately to ease the transition.
- Declutter now rather than later. Why pack and pay to ship items and clothes that are no longer useful? Drop off unwanted items at a local thrift store that benefits your favorite charity. If you have larger items, such as furniture, appliances and vehicles, call in advance to arrange a pick-up time. If there’s time, consider having a garage sale.
- As you sort, begin to box up and label your belongings. Packing yourself will save on moving costs. Ask for boxes on your neighborhood Facebook page, Craigslist, or other local digital site. Supermarkets and liquor stores are also excellent sources for free boxes.
- Don’t forget to tidy up before you leave. Floors should be swept, carpets vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned and all trash removed. All agreed-upon repairs should be completed and utilities should be turned off.