When you decide to sell your home with an agent, one of the most important decisions you will make together is the asking price. Set the price too high and your home could languish, causing...

When you decide to sell your home with an agent, one of the most important decisions you will make together is the asking price. Set the price too high and your home could languish, causing...
While inspections are commonplace when buying a home, should you, as the seller, consider having your home “pre-inspected” before listing it? Here are the pros and cons. Knowledge is power. Having your home professionally inspected...
The tax advantages of buying and owning a home are well known, but what happens when you sell? Read on to learn about the tax benefit you may accrue when you sell your house. Rules...
Most home sellers can only dream of a bidding war on their houses. But in a brisk market, sellers with an attractive home in a great location can find themselves entertaining multiple offers. Is the...
When a home is listed for sale with a real estate company, the seller is ultimately agreeing to pay both the listing agent and the buyer’s agent and their respective companies. In some cases, the...
Downsizing is the byword in the soon-to-be-retired set, shedding the outsized house for smaller, more manageable living. But before you sell your house, develop a plan and answer these questions. Where do you want to...
If you’re in the market for a new home, should you buy a house before selling your current home? That’s a tough call. Here are some important considerations to help you come up with the...
As couples watch their children leave the nest, they are increasingly “downsizing” to homes with less space, maintenance, and expense. But a new term, “resizing,” has emerged for this season of life. Resizing can be...
Sometimes a seller chooses to sell a home “as is.” What does that mean? When is this a good option for the seller? Should you consider buying an “as is” home? Read on for some...
You’ve seen them as you pass houses for sale: lockboxes hanging from the front door handle or porch railing. A key inside the box enables real estate agents to get into the house to show...