You’ve probably heard that staging your home will help it sell faster and for a higher price. But why wait to put your best decorating foot forward until you’re ready to move. Do it for yourself, and enjoy. If you later decide to sell, you’ll be ahead of the game.
Here are a few tips to turn your kitchen from drab to a delight.
Deep clean. Wipe clean all kitchen surfaces, including the sink, appliances, tile, and cabinets. Don’t forget the baseboards, exhaust fan, and trashcan.
Eliminate clutter. Start off by evaluating what you use regularly. Clear off countertops and utilize drawers for often-used utensils and tools. If you have dishes you rarely use, store them in the attic or basement. After a year, if you find you don’t use them, sell or donate. Remove refrigerator magnets and other items stuck to the fridge.
Organize your storage. Discard out-of-date items. Donate anything you don’t want or need. Categorize what’s left. Tip: Leave open space for flexibility and a better look.
Refresh. Over time, cabinets and walls start to look dingy or outdated. A new paint color is an easy way to freshen your space. Creamy ivories, neutral greys, even yellows and greens, all work well. Consider resurfacing or painting cabinets. If that sounds like too much work, something as simple as changing cabinet hardware can make a big impact.
Accents pieces. As a final touch, add beauty and interest to your kitchen. A vase of fresh flowers or a handmade bowl filled with seasonal fruit are a nice touch. Use baskets or pretty canisters to store your newly-organized kitchen gadgets and tools. If you’re staging for yourself, it’s OK to display personal items. If you removed lots of artwork from your fridge, consider a frame or hanging system that allows you to display (and easily swap out) treasured photos or children’s artwork. Keep that designer feel by limiting the decor to items you absolutely love.