Special financial assistance is available for teachers seeking to buy a first home, refinance a home, or even repair an old home or add energy-saving improvements. This help translates to potentially lower closing costs and...

Special financial assistance is available for teachers seeking to buy a first home, refinance a home, or even repair an old home or add energy-saving improvements. This help translates to potentially lower closing costs and...
In times of financial distress, some homeowners can seek relief from monthly payments through mortgage forbearance programs. These programs can be helpful during rough times, but they must be handled with care. Let’s take a...
The loan processor you work with when you apply for a mortgage isn’t the person who decides whether you qualify for a loan. That power lies with the mortgage underwriter. How do underwriters decide whether...
The mortgage approval process can be stressful for anyone, but self-employed people encounter an extra measure of scrutiny. You may have succeeded in pursuing the American dream of owning a business only to find that...
It’s a shock when your application for a mortgage is declined. You are excited about owning a home, but the opportunity gets snatched away. What can you do about a mortgage application denial? First things...
For most people, their home is their biggest investment — and their biggest tax benefits. As always, it’s best to consult your tax adviser for specific information, but let’s walk through the most common, basic...
If you make only the monthly payments set by your mortgage company, in the end, you will pay a significant amount of interest. Making biweekly mortgage payments can save you money by reducing interest and...
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched almost every aspect of our lives. Our personal finances are no exception. If you’ve lost your job or taken a pay cut, you may have trouble keeping up with your...
Illness, job loss and other problems related to the current coronavirus pandemic have left many homeowners and renters unable to pay their mortgages or monthly rent payments. Fortunately, the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic...
One strategy for lowering your mortgage interest rate and the overall cost of your loan is to pay mortgage points up front. What are mortgage points, how can paying them save you money, and when...