Whether you are self-employed, a freelancer or have a variable income stream, you’ll face special challenges getting a typical mortgage and may need to apply for a bank statement loan. What is a bank statement...

Whether you are self-employed, a freelancer or have a variable income stream, you’ll face special challenges getting a typical mortgage and may need to apply for a bank statement loan. What is a bank statement...
If you’ve recently graduated from college and are just getting established in your career, you may think you’re destined for many years of apartment dwelling. But think again! It’s possible to buy a home in...
When thinking of buying a house, a first question is often How much do I need for a down payment? Ideally, a down payment is 10 percent to 20 percent of the purchase price, which...
The trend in home buying has moved away from large down payments. In fact, today’s average down payment is just 6 percent, with zero-out-of-pocket deals more common than you might think. Accumulating savings while working...
Nationally, about a quarter of homes are sold in all-cash transactions. If you have sufficient cash to purchase outright without a mortgage, is this the best choice? Let’s examine the factors to consider. What an...
The housing crash of 2008 led to a tightening of mortgage lending standards. Now rules are loosening again. What can you expect when applying for a loan to buy a house? Is the Water Just...
For most people, their home is their biggest investment — and their biggest tax benefits. As always, it’s best to consult your tax adviser for specific information, but let’s walk through the most common, basic...
Do you have bad credit? While legitimate credit repair services can help improve your credit scores, you can do the work yourself and save money. Here’s how. Pull your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. It’s free....
It’s important to shop for the perfect place to call home, but don’t forget to shop around for the best financing, too. The quality of the terms of your mortgage can mean a difference of...
Mortgage lending is yet another industry that has undergone massive change by the internet. Online lenders advertise fast and easy transactions while traditional lenders offer more personal service. Regardless of which option you choose, it’s...